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2HaNdTuGGeR last won the day on April 1 2021

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  • Favorite Game Hilo

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  1. So I have been trying to figure out why I'm unlocking my bcd so slow. According to the equation it adds up on my end perfectly at 1% house edge. But here's the issue w that. I play slots more. And elvis frog slot is 6% and the other one super shot 2 is 3.99%. they are defaulting to 1% no matter what we play. I think it's time to bring this shit public bacause I'm not getting my fair share and neither is anyone else who is playing the slots.
  2. We need to run w this topic. Sites like bc need to be shut down. I know how a prov. Fair game plays whether it's dice or blackjack. There's no RNG attached to most of this site. I don't care what they say. It's like they have it set up to let us win until we start betting big and then they just shut it down. No more wins. I'm down to keep track of what I play and then we can visit the whole idea of talking to there licencing agent or whoever. Cause it's not fair to anyone. I've been playing online long enough to spot something not right.
  3. YES!!!! Allthat shit is true which goes hand in hand w that game NOT being Prov. Fair. Im assuming that this happens alot more if your betting is more aggressive. But i noticed that when dealer gets a ton of blackjacks, u get dealt 12. But this game is totally Flawed in the sites favor so why would they change it. The people running this site are scabs. Little blows like in dice. If you bust on auto it changes ur bet of remaining balace and bets once more to take the rest of that balance.
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